Monday, December 10, 2012

Room # 9

/apply to all

I enter the circular room
You are standing at the other end
An imaginary line
Between me and you

Yet dividing nothing
Spiraling around us freely

I am in!

I speak. I want to tell.
Whatever I am still able to contract into words of Man
I have the need for you to know
But your ears don't hear
And my mouth cannot spell


Flicks of screens and blank pixels
Bang one another in my head
Screaming for help
I cannot yell
As all my switches' been programmed
By the evil machines of Man
You are there, yes...
Quietly standing at the centre of the room
Circular lines all straight and fine
Parallel, entertained

' round one another
Noughts and Ones
Beyond myself

/exit program
/exit program

No longer can I express, Hell!
As you seem from a all different world
Organic still, natural, alive
With real men and real minds

Unlike me
and I, incapable to tell

Muted. Encrypted even.
As mind encrypted in binary programs


Trapped in
Only able to scream
Through noughts and ones 

in fine lines and little wells
As mind made alien by the machines of Man

I am in the centre of the room
Are you able to tell ?
This is hell !
Get off your screens ! Switch off your cells !
Brains need help

/apply to all




Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Sea World

The sea was everywhere
Surrounding us
Were surrounded by the Land
And at the end of the sphere...
Another world
Deep Inside


The Sea was surrounding us

And we were surrounded by the sea


In the centre
Right in the middle
Of YOUR Land
At the centre of YOUR world
With All Others

And the great sea beyond

Revolving around the world
Evolving around us
And a whole world between us
And inside us

Sunday, October 28, 2012

There is always psychological influence, there’s nothing new about that. All governments, all religions have used it throughout history. The point is that now the means of control are much more efficient. We have computers. We have populations exposed to exactly the same images and words, millions of people every day. So the opportunities to control are much more potent now than they have ever been".
William S. Burroughs

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Microchip Factory

I entered - Fortunately I was rendered invisible so I could see without being seen-

There were hundreds of computers in lines, 
In a large warehouse
All white, walls and uniforms
Workers busy entering in long lines of noughts and ones
Encoded they be into infinitesimal microchips
All black with wires and synapsis
Artificial conditioning

The bells ring
All workers stand in line
Receiving orders from above
For infinite coding of noughts, and more noughts and ones

Microchips shipped away
To a land of dark lies interfaces
and cheap love drives
...Substitutes for human hearts

A Mind-Machine factory

Friday, September 14, 2012

Veterans of the Psychic Wars ★ Psychotronic Warfare


Corresponding waves tying mind responses
Moves become predictable as
Triggered by psychotronic art

The human using therefore
His strength to stand upright
And act normal as
Psychotronic waves
Make his mind work hard

He’s too busy with natural fuctions
Prevented by sounds and pulses and lights
-though he cannot tell-
And mind gets used a third or a quarter

Leaving the regents and kings
Sleep in peace. Quietly plotting

Tomorrow's world in their dream
As man can no longer be
Agent of his own mean

Psychotronics leave him asleep

Psychotronic wars meet financial needs

Mental warfare for One's means

No response -he cannot see-
And man in haze, half hypnotized
Walks the streets

Of mind and soul
By psychotronic means
Blinded by the lights
This is psychotronic war and mind warfare

 Can you hear me?

REMEMBER: This is a WORK OF FICTION, but its message must be clear: 
  use your mind before someone else uses it!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Will O’ the Wisp

One evening
I was sitting on a steep hill
Not far from the wishing well
My back leaning on the bark of an old oak tree

My eyes were dancing
Atttempting to follow
The swirl of an angry firefly
The little spot
Suddenly flew towards the moon
Also brightly lit
Challenging my eyes to a race
Up towards the white crescented satellite

The ol’ moon caught me
I was unable to look away
My body went all rigid and then shaky
A chill up and down my spine running
The ol’ moon said something
Of which to this day I cannot speak
And the firefly vanished in the dark

I finally got up
Still in shock, sweating heavy
But what the bright moon said to me
That night on the hill steep
I cannot say

Dear friend,
Of it I cannot speak
But the firefly knew what it was doing
I swear it did!

Friday, August 24, 2012


In the province of the mind there are no limitations


Monday, August 20, 2012


Everybody in this land
Feeds on sugar and candy
(Unlike me)

True relief will come from LOVE, drives and Spirit.

‘Been walking many roads
Hands in pockets mostly

The gold and riches
Of this Earth will never free
But Love drives
And Light feeds


The thousands sit on their chairs
Facing their dark screens flickering
Unlike me

A brief thought of freedom, hazy,
of Faith, Love and…
Charity (Remember these?)

Ozzy Osbourne‘s Goodbye to Romance in the background

Lovedrive for a second

Some get up suddenly
And start walkin’away
from hypnotics and psionic beams

Love Drives

May the One Light set you free
Love drives and Light feeds
All the slaves in the whol’ wide world...



Your mind is the mean

Friday, August 3, 2012


Remember that the first post is at the bottom of the last page. 
In order to follow the story correctly you should read the posts from the bottom of the last page upwards… Just reminding you


The Golem

I was a manikin of bones and flesh, 
Automated expression of other people's needs. 
I was a silent puppet of a Lord with no mercy. 
Slave. Soldier of a ruthless king. 
I was a human robot, walking the streets empty, hypnotized. 
Evil Lords looking over me.

I escaped. 

I was for a while living hidden in a little shed at the back of your house. 
Observing you secretly each day, 
Envying your humanness
Jealous of your normality. 

Then I fell on my knees, begging for help. 

And the Light came down, surrounding me 

Now, I live on the other side. 

My mind awoken by the One Great Puppeteer. 
I serve the Almighty. 
Its Word and Breath now move through me 

May Your Will become my will. 

May Your Light enlighten me. 

I serve God and I am free!

In the mystical jewish folklore, the golem is an animated artificial being created from mud and made alive by the magical use of the hebrew alphabet. It is, in many ways the ancestor of Mary Shelley's famous creature of Frankenstein.

Monday, July 2, 2012


I surely know that
Truth must ever be known
As Truth alights, and Light is good.

I swear on planet Earth 

And on Thin Lizzy
That I will always let Light in
As Light is good
And it reveals
So, May Light shine in
In your way

I have
333 candles 
And just one match to light them all
Yet, So many secrets to reveal
And just one to convince

I step inside. The door closes behind me. A large ball of light enters my chest. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fundamental Beat

I woke up the next day, rested and refreshed. 
In the haze of my waking I could remember  the strange figure of a woman that had been shown to me in dream. 
I looked around, hoping to see a sign.
I was at the edge of a deep forest. The murmur of a stream, the birds singing and the warm sun evoked my newfound freedom. 
I smiled at the thought of my liberation from the thick walls of the sordid MK Clinic.
"You have freed me, O Lord, what shall I do to please you?"
As I raised my eyes in prayer, the ball of light appeared again right above my head. 
It had turned blue and increased in size
I could make out a swirling eye in its center. 
It radiated heat as well as light
A cross of gold miraculously appeared. Then Disappeared.

I got up on my feet and once again followed the pulsating ball of light

It was whizzing through the air at a speed comparable to my walking
So I had no trouble following it.

After several hours of pursuit I reached a rocky fountain at the edge of a small town. 
It was in the shape of a woman, soft and curvy,  pouring water out of a large silvery shell in her hands. 
The statue looked exactly like the lady I had seen in dream. 
I thanked God and drunk profusely from the fountain.
I felt like I was born again.

Suddenly a large pair of metallic wings grew out of my back, tearing my skin without causing me any pain. 

I was swept off my feet and spiralled upwards towards the Heavens at an enormous speed.
Unable to control the wings I lost consciousness as I was flying aimlessly among the lavender scented clouds.
I called onto the Light to save me.

(to be continued)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

As The Lord Spaketh, So Be It!

As the orange ball of light fled towards the horizon I abandoned the race. I knew I could not catch it, so I sat down once again in a lonely field.

The Lord spoke: "In the province of the mind there are no limitations"

I raised my eyes to the vault of heaven as tears rolled down my cheeks. 
"Lord, You know I am alone and so limited. Where is hope? What can I be?"
The thunderous voice went: "As high as clouds or deep as hell, it is your choice and your making!"

The orange globe of light whizzed again through the sky.
Once again I got up and proceeded to follow it. 
One sentence came to my mind. I repeated it as a mantra as I was walking faster: "This is my will, this is my will, Thy will be done and this is my will."
I walked throughout the night and until the next morning. 
The air was cool. The breeze was meek. 
Refreshed, I was carried forth by that sentence. I found hope again as I kept repeating it: "This is my will, this is my will, Thy will be done and this is my will"

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Follow the white rabbit (Chronology)

--------Remember that the first post is at the bottom of the last page----------

In order to follow this story correctly you will have to read the posts in inverse order

Computer Blue

(...) Having exited the room full of mirrors where reflections had shown me my fate, I arrived through a plain to a city which name is well known. 
It was an astounding sight.

Humans were in lines on a large marble floor extending to the horizon. All were dressed in blue. Men and women in their thousands, all seated in front of computer screens rapidly flickering.

From birth, configured to seat. Away from all sanity. 
Human screen-machines.

One could hear laughters and screams and cheers, humans' reactions to the spell of their computers. Flick. Flick. Flickering.

No-one walked. No-one ate or spoke to one another. 
Some weren't even breathing. All they were: Silent victims
Of the Dream-Machine.


The poor beings on this sad land would have been able to turn off their screens and walk away in an instant but they lacked the will to do so. 

Some were typing randomly, some were just staring, in awe at the images shown, their jaws ope, with delight salivating.

interface: man/machine

Once again I sat and prayed the One Great Lord Melkizeor to give them back their life, to free them from this seemingly enchanting fate. Thousands dressed in blue, lined in the dark land below. 
Seemingly happy. Seemingly fulfilled. Sit still. Flickering Screens.


I was watching the scene with despair. 

In the valley down below. 

I saw and I prayed. That's all I could do.

- One good idea. That's all that it took!-

Suddenly an orange globe of light passed hissing in the sky. 

I decided to follow it...

(to be continued)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Snakes, ladders and dragonflies

Here we are, face to face.
You, the real ruler of this court
and I, the newborn, 
A naive orphan.
What are we gonna do?
Are we gonna waltz?
Are we gonna talk it out on loud politics?

I have walked a long way to come here.

You are very polite
You are very stern
I am so little in front of you!
What are we gonna do?
You're so professional
You look so good
Let us date and bladder the sink
Let us sing

"You are it!"

Forgive me

I love you

<------------------ (portrait of the author)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Psionic Welfare (part 4)

I exited the actial perimeter and found myself in a meadow.

The One Lord on his cloud decided to destroy Psion.
I am free now!
All has disappeared from the darkness below. I am on Earth as if it was the first time.
There is a silver waterfall nearby and purple sparrows are flying around.
Clean air at last!

The doctors have been locked in a manor, their doomed fortress.
The slaves have been liberated.
The sordid circus is no longer.

As I start walking, a powerful thuderstorm clears away the remains of the actial energy field.

Behind me, the remnants of MK Clinic.

There is a clear road ahead.
I walk...
Free from insanity...
At last

Monday, March 19, 2012

...and HAARP against AC/DC

The project involves basic research needed to make possible a brain-computer interface for decoding thought and communicating it to an intended target. Applications are to situations in which it is either impossible or inappropriate to communicate using visual means or by audible speech; the long-term aim is to provide a significant advance in Army communication capabilities in such situations. 

Mind Control is about getting everyone around you to simply think, believe and assume exactly what you want them to. 
Mind Control is not about persuasion, sales, seduction or influence. These are just fields within Mind Control.
Mind Control is a much bigger picture than persuasion. It's about having people fall under your spell by their own choice . . . or so they think. 




Melkizeor on his High Throne looked down on the blind zombie warriors in lines, ready.

He shed a tear.

The slaves commanded and prepared to kill received his blessing.

Doctor Man Chu, evil incarnated, keeps a watchful eye on his army, programmed human beings, submitted, servile and  hypnotized.

Melkizeor from his high cloud pronounced the words: 

"And you shall be free!"

(Athm enters zone 1)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The orphanage, so sinister...

The slanted roof covers the whole barn
The light purple dimly inside the nursery, directly onto the tiny orange cradles. Lined Up.
Especially chosen. In rows of 6.
The clock strikes twelve.
The babies awaken by the backward tapes.
A smell of sulphur and paraffine. Acetone maybe. 
"This one next formatted" said Dr Zamenoff. 
Dr Cameron says "It's all ok!"

The orange lined up cradles. 

Babies. Orphans. Little Hands and Feet.

Just an experiment. We'll see if it helps.
Press hard. Dig well.

A siren, they're awake again. 

This time it's oats and warm milk and maple syrup. They must be hungry. After torture comes the sweet thing.

The Orphanage, property of the One Church. A MEN.

In the barn, lined up cots, cradles of hell awaiting the call.

A few months and they're good to go.

In the orphanage so sinister




E Sharp

A purple beam. Flash through the barn
The babies awaken

At Edgar Allan Memorial Institute
On the side flank of our Sacred Hill
There was a fire that destroyed everything
-Or so they say-Or so we think-
And all records' been eradicated

The tape, a hiss
They talking' back to front!
Or so the babies think

Another beam
The sound of sharp E

The babies get to sleep

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Psionic Welfare (part 3) Alienation

"There are many ways to skin a chicken", said the voice inside my head. 
I looked at the knife in my hand with fear and bedazzlement. 
Unequivocally, I knew the name of the first victim: mine. 
You motte die, you are evil. 
The knife is getting too close. 

The rainbow drop reaches my mind. 
I am the eye. 

You must finish, it said. 
Unintelligible to me, subdued, subliminal, the sound of an E sharp leads my whole being to fit in tune. 

"I am not going to let you", I said. 
The rogue raucous voice of Dr. Cameron resonated throughout the wards and corridors.
I can recognise his domineering tone

What the hell!

Inside or outside my head?

I can recall. 
I can hear it without a doubt.
He sees us now. 
The sharp fear reaches my mind. 
"I am not a man", said I. 
"You'll do what you'll do" said the voice of a man.

I am not one of yours, added I.
Get out of me!
I am sincere, stop talking! Bullshit! Bullshit!

The sharp pain between my eyes seems to go all the way through my brain

 I am not one of yours…I am not one of yours. I let everything in. Free me...Folly... A sound…

The voice of a woman: "He's as good as dead!"
Dr Donald Ewen Cameron laughs and shrieks;
"He is it!"

Are they Inside or outside my head?
Are they as real as they seem?


At this precise moment, Athm was putting a foot out of the actial modem
He recognised the field. 
He'd landed here before.
The air was fresh and slightly sugary
Athm could hear the stream, its little waves, dancing and sparkling...
A bird. Two maybe.
New land. New play field...
Athm could hear a dream…
Freedom coming?

A strong man appeared
Holding a White Book
(probably sacred)

"At the Crossroad you will see"

..................... The Smell of Freedom inside of me. Or the taste of Folly?............... A Lady. Holding a vase. Pouring the Holy Syrup. Right inside my head               AMEN