Monday, August 5, 2013



Remember this is a full STORY (over 50 posts in total) and the beginning of it is the very final post on the last page of the blog!
    👁   Thanks for your support!
 ☮ - AA333


EXIT at Crossroads

It was in the early hours of the morning and I raised on my feet

like a zombie out of a tomb
Melkizeor had called me
I had remnants of memory
from the adventures in the sad lands
But at the call of the Great One
I was awake, in a sweat
"The crossroads is where you should be"
The fountain in the shape of a shapely woman
Was standing in its centre
There were towards the four directions
Signs in a language I can't read
I raised my eyes and once again
A pure globe of pure light was passing ahead
The screams of the robots from Earth 
I now could hear
And I remembered their dark fate

Having been made into machines by the machines they made

At the centre of the crossroads
Stood the solution to my Quest
A woman superb
Holding a vase 
Containing pearls
And the purest water
And many unearthy delights

The direction I chose was the right one

What other choice could have been?

It is from Hidden Palace of CENSORED
That I wrote these verses
I have found Peace and Abundance
In this most sacred place


At the crossroads look at the sign

At the crossroads look at the sign
that others are looking for
No more can I say...
God does All
And All is well done.

Melkizeor curtsied

The Twelve bowed
The globe of light was again  passing ahead
Fuzzing away
All is quiet
All is well
................................................................. and forever with Thee............

✰ It's the end of  MK Ultra Vs. Hanoi Rocks. I had decided to buckle this story up once I reached Vancouver BC...and here I am!


NOTE: This blog tells a story. It has a beginning and an end. The posts may be read independently, but it is a complete  story!

I have included symbols that apply to most and can be understood by all - It is a story of PERSONAL POWER and FREEDOM

remember: The world is your oyster; don't settle for a claim!
   Nuff said!  


I will be back soon with a new blogs and new concepts on BLOGSPOT...........Here we are...............The Dream we all dream of...…...................…LVX...…PAX

© © Aleph Alpha (2013)


# esoteric, occult, mystical and metaphysical bullshit by ALEPH ALPHA 333
and cheap art sale:

CLICK : Over 40 laptop-produced music demos (2012-2015) on my YouTube channel: ALEPH ALPHA 333

>❯⟩>»»⟫ email me CLICK 
  💛    👁       

                     I AM ALEPH ALPHA 333

and this is my shit!



The Castle
Where She & I
Is Worth Heavens in the Sky
Having Put Together
What Had To Rightfully Be
We Are

Friday, August 2, 2013

Exit Planet Phantom (phase 1)

Athm exited the ring
At the same moment my ears start buzzing

I find myself in front of an audience
Sat around me like I am the circus' clown
or is it...
The judges awaiting to set my sentence?

I prayed towards Heaven
And thick under the ground
Towards my mother Earth

I bow
The audience murmurs

Athm entered the first level
exit planet Phantom


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

AlephAlphaArt @

Aleph Alpha's Vault #22 @


Thursday, July 18, 2013

-A Tale of Ascension-

Rhymes - Voyage Initiatique - Allegories

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Two Towers

There were two towers
Of equal heights
One to the west
One to the east

The tower to the west 

Was of silicon and wires
Black and polished 
With hundreds of lights 
And small flickering screens

A voice from powerful loudspeakers

Urging the faithfuls to kneel
"We have solutions 

To your every need
All kinds of great machines
That will help you feel fulfilled
For you they will think

And amuse your kids
You will not need to know anything
All is there for you

At the flick of a switch
Who needs a mind when you have a machine!
Our mighty great computer

Will replace your will
Become one of us
Our digital church

Is all you need
Look at all our screens!
The future is us

The tower to the east

Was of jade and marble and gold
With thousands of burning incense sticks
Covered in hebrew, arabic and latin characters

With mysterious frescoes
Solemn and frightening

A voice from its top

Enunciated strings of prayers
In some weird languages of the past
That no-one could understand
"Kneel, pray, lower your heads
As this is the will of our Lord almighty
The sole true god

That is perfection and light and purity
Repent, fast, abstain

Repeat after me
Our laws are sacred and holy
We are the church of Almighty
The only true expression of his will
Make offerings, repeat after me
You will be pure and wise

Truly superior to those
Who do not worship here
At the count of three

Get on your knees
This is the true will
Of God Almighty"

I covered my ears

To shut out 
The hypnotic messages
Of propaganda
And continued walking faithfully
Towards the beautiful valleys
I had seen in my dreams

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Dear visitor,
Thanks for taking the time to visit this page.
You will find here a collection of my writings, most of them in rhymes on consciousness, awareness and mind matters as well a peculiar outlook on our society and mass control.
Please take the time to read through before making a judgement...Nothing is quite what it seems!
I have also uploaded some music of mine with little videos...
Feel free to explore, share and promote MK Ultra vs. Hanoi Rocks...My humble online artistic diary. 
48 posts available to this day. 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sounds and Vision (some home demos)

>  Appropriate use of force - irresponsible use of violence - voice to skull technology - Operation Baby Blue - 333 - What do I play? - What do I do? - I make a bet and fall in love with you - I make appropriate use of this world and fold it into you. 333. What do I do? <

They thought: 'Hey! Let's invade the space! If there's a game we 'e playing!'
The others thought: 'Oh phew!'

Explain? I can't explain. You can explain?
No, coz there's nothing to explain!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Scales of Maat

That night I had a dream

A lady dressed in white
In front of her men and women in lines.
One after the other she weighs their hearts
And those of a sufficient weight
Are directed by men in arms
(But wearing all white)
To fields of radiant light
And they laugh, ecstatic.

Those in return
Whose heart do not pass the test
For lack of sufficient height and depth
As well as weight
Are made to emigrate
To a dark and smelly lake
At the end of which stands a town
Very similar to old Earth.

I woke up enlightened, in delight
And you were shining happy
By my side
In the Secret Citadel
In the land that I avail
In a white bed.

Monday, March 11, 2013


As the men on Earth
Cannot agree on a sole rule
Division prevails and one fights
For a cause or another
Until all settle 
And through UNION comes
Answer to all questions 

Down on Earth
The greys against the blues
And the next day
The reds against the greys
And then again
Reds against the blues
Is it farce?

The gods agree
"These fools deserve their fate!"
Until the one lesson is learnt
You fight me
And I fight you
For the sake of holding opinions
To conquer or deliver
United in division
As strife is the rule
And peace the exception

For a flag or a nation
For a tribe or a leader
For a blade of grass or a precious stone
Over a border, a tradition
Over a word or a question
East against west 
Then south Vs. north
Foolish mess!

Down on Earth
Brothers fight one another
As I have my opinion
And you have the right to hold your own
All stand united against wisdom

Until the one lesson is learnt
Men thrive on hatred
As fighting makes them feel alive
And through strife they feel important
Their muscles flexed
The weapons held above their heads
As symbols of strength
All united in division


In disputes the men of Earth
Feel no longer
The true nagging questions
Intelligence becomes weapon
Rather than the one true solution
Until the one lesson gets learnt
Fights for the sake of dominion
Until the fools settle on Life
And feel the strength of true UNION

As through union 
Solved all equations

As through union
Overpowered the weapons

And deliverance and freedom
And power over alienation
Through minds united only are born

                                                aleph alpha June 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The world is your oyster
Don't settle for a clam!

                 Music by Aleph Alpha

Put on my shoes and you will see
That you walk just as straight as me

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mind Matters

Use your mind before someone else uses it

------------>   portrait of the author:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Noxious Wars

From all directions came men in arms    

Glorified with medals and bearing loads of cash     
They came with their machines    
From all directions towards I     
-I had avoided the noxious wars and they could tell by my face- 
In MK Land and throughout Atlantis 
(Where I resided by now) 
men were made to go to war so the tyrants could peacefully remain
Now,  I could see them coming   
In their midsts and thousands
With their angry faces, screaming  
They said, towards me:  
« You are weak, you avoided the war!  It’d have made you strong, You'd be a real man, You’d had piles of notes Given for free after a good day’s war    War would have made you free! »    
I said : « I avoided that flick ! »    
« Go away ! » they said    
Pointing towards the horizons    
The soldiers said I had to leave
I had nothing to respond