Saturday, April 28, 2012

Follow the white rabbit (Chronology)

--------Remember that the first post is at the bottom of the last page----------

In order to follow this story correctly you will have to read the posts in inverse order

Computer Blue

(...) Having exited the room full of mirrors where reflections had shown me my fate, I arrived through a plain to a city which name is well known. 
It was an astounding sight.

Humans were in lines on a large marble floor extending to the horizon. All were dressed in blue. Men and women in their thousands, all seated in front of computer screens rapidly flickering.

From birth, configured to seat. Away from all sanity. 
Human screen-machines.

One could hear laughters and screams and cheers, humans' reactions to the spell of their computers. Flick. Flick. Flickering.

No-one walked. No-one ate or spoke to one another. 
Some weren't even breathing. All they were: Silent victims
Of the Dream-Machine.


The poor beings on this sad land would have been able to turn off their screens and walk away in an instant but they lacked the will to do so. 

Some were typing randomly, some were just staring, in awe at the images shown, their jaws ope, with delight salivating.

interface: man/machine

Once again I sat and prayed the One Great Lord Melkizeor to give them back their life, to free them from this seemingly enchanting fate. Thousands dressed in blue, lined in the dark land below. 
Seemingly happy. Seemingly fulfilled. Sit still. Flickering Screens.


I was watching the scene with despair. 

In the valley down below. 

I saw and I prayed. That's all I could do.

- One good idea. That's all that it took!-

Suddenly an orange globe of light passed hissing in the sky. 

I decided to follow it...

(to be continued)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Snakes, ladders and dragonflies

Here we are, face to face.
You, the real ruler of this court
and I, the newborn, 
A naive orphan.
What are we gonna do?
Are we gonna waltz?
Are we gonna talk it out on loud politics?

I have walked a long way to come here.

You are very polite
You are very stern
I am so little in front of you!
What are we gonna do?
You're so professional
You look so good
Let us date and bladder the sink
Let us sing

"You are it!"

Forgive me

I love you

<------------------ (portrait of the author)