Saturday, March 24, 2012

Psionic Welfare (part 4)

I exited the actial perimeter and found myself in a meadow.

The One Lord on his cloud decided to destroy Psion.
I am free now!
All has disappeared from the darkness below. I am on Earth as if it was the first time.
There is a silver waterfall nearby and purple sparrows are flying around.
Clean air at last!

The doctors have been locked in a manor, their doomed fortress.
The slaves have been liberated.
The sordid circus is no longer.

As I start walking, a powerful thuderstorm clears away the remains of the actial energy field.

Behind me, the remnants of MK Clinic.

There is a clear road ahead.
I walk...
Free from insanity...
At last

Monday, March 19, 2012

...and HAARP against AC/DC

The project involves basic research needed to make possible a brain-computer interface for decoding thought and communicating it to an intended target. Applications are to situations in which it is either impossible or inappropriate to communicate using visual means or by audible speech; the long-term aim is to provide a significant advance in Army communication capabilities in such situations. 

Mind Control is about getting everyone around you to simply think, believe and assume exactly what you want them to. 
Mind Control is not about persuasion, sales, seduction or influence. These are just fields within Mind Control.
Mind Control is a much bigger picture than persuasion. It's about having people fall under your spell by their own choice . . . or so they think. 




Melkizeor on his High Throne looked down on the blind zombie warriors in lines, ready.

He shed a tear.

The slaves commanded and prepared to kill received his blessing.

Doctor Man Chu, evil incarnated, keeps a watchful eye on his army, programmed human beings, submitted, servile and  hypnotized.

Melkizeor from his high cloud pronounced the words: 

"And you shall be free!"

(Athm enters zone 1)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The orphanage, so sinister...

The slanted roof covers the whole barn
The light purple dimly inside the nursery, directly onto the tiny orange cradles. Lined Up.
Especially chosen. In rows of 6.
The clock strikes twelve.
The babies awaken by the backward tapes.
A smell of sulphur and paraffine. Acetone maybe. 
"This one next formatted" said Dr Zamenoff. 
Dr Cameron says "It's all ok!"

The orange lined up cradles. 

Babies. Orphans. Little Hands and Feet.

Just an experiment. We'll see if it helps.
Press hard. Dig well.

A siren, they're awake again. 

This time it's oats and warm milk and maple syrup. They must be hungry. After torture comes the sweet thing.

The Orphanage, property of the One Church. A MEN.

In the barn, lined up cots, cradles of hell awaiting the call.

A few months and they're good to go.

In the orphanage so sinister




E Sharp

A purple beam. Flash through the barn
The babies awaken

At Edgar Allan Memorial Institute
On the side flank of our Sacred Hill
There was a fire that destroyed everything
-Or so they say-Or so we think-
And all records' been eradicated

The tape, a hiss
They talking' back to front!
Or so the babies think

Another beam
The sound of sharp E

The babies get to sleep